Maison Sourrire

Support between Residents and Refugees for Integration, Respect and Self-Esteem

Family Home

A welcoming day care center open to all, equal and respectful, without discrimination on the basis of nationality, origin, religion or gender.


Linguistic, educational, social and cultural activities for everyone.


Daily support for vulnerable people to help them integrate into the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Maison Sourrire

43 rue Ribeschpont

3566 Dudelange

Opening hours :
Monday-Friday : 9.30am to 6pm

Created by

A heartfelt word

  • I come to Sourrire because it’s like a family. You can take part in activities organized by volunteers. I do some gardening. It helps me think about other things. I’m very happy.

  • I’m a volunteer at Sourrire. For one afternoon a week, I come and give Luxembourgish lessons to help these young people integrate into the Grand Duchy. It’s a great exchange every time.
